Continuous progress towards common goals


Our mission is to continuously develop with a cohesive, ready-to-do team, always focusing on market needs and customer satisfaction, and always offering a tailor-made solution for the plastic and metal tooling industry - because we plan for the long term.

Our story

of AGS Engineering
Kínai gyártás
Expansion of Chinese manufacturing base to 5 companies.
2019 - Létszámbővülés
Our team grew to 8 people and 3 interim tool engineers joined us.
1. Bosch
We were honoured to become the preferred tool manufacturer for Bosch.
Moldex3D Advanced szoftver beszerzése
Our service has evolved, with the acquisition of Moldex 3D simulation software.
Our subsidiary Zalner Engineering is launched, whose main activities are Measurement services, Measuring JIG design and manufacturing.
Our project team has grown to 6 people, so we can offer increased capacity to our partners.
Elindult a Csehországi irodánk, mely feladata a Csehországi és Szlovákiai vevőink kezelése

Our values

Legyen szó vevőinkről vagy munkavállalóinkról,
mi ugyanazokat az értékeket képviseljük kifelé és befelé egyaránt.

Customer focus

Flexible, proactive attitude and quick response

Custom solutions adapted to customer needs, standards and reports

Colleagues who are always available and available for questions


Transparent processes

Honest, open and clear communication


Reliable, professional competence

Precise design, well- equipped machinery, guaranteed production and repair

Compliance with external and internal quality assurance standards

Development orientation

Continuous development adapted to market needs

Tracking global professional and commercial trends

We’re all a team

Underlying it all: the attitude, work and coordination of colleagues in a family atmosphere

Our vision is to lead the way and set an example for toolmakers - across borders and beyond - through our corporate culture, reliable service, transparent processes and honest communication.

Join our team!

Employment solutions tailored to your needs, continuous learning and development opportunities, a safe and well-equipped working environment - just some of the things that make working with us worthwhile.